The history of the Pro Bono commitment of a junior enterprise : the example of JSCP (Junior enterprise of Sciences Po Paris)

Why did you decide to create a Pro Bono team in the Junior enterprise of Sciences Po?
After receiving several requests from associations (foundations, NGOs, think tanks), we realized that there was a real need in terms of support for these structures. Indeed, they generally do not have the financial and human resources to respond to the problem they are facing as well as to have recourse to consulting firms. With Junior Consulting, we have the financial and human resources – notably thanks to the School’s network – to accompany them in the resolution of their problem. It was also for us essential to abide by the value of our school and the value that we are taught every day such as respect for diversity, social inclusion, environmental responsibility and creating a Pro Bono fund seems the perfect response to fit in that frame.
What do you think it is important to create a Pro Bono Team ?
We think that it is extremely important to have a Pro Bono team as today so many associations have strategic issues and don’t necessarily have the skills necessary in order to face those problems. We believe that it is our duty to help those structures because of the role they play in our society. Thanks to them, millions of people find jobs, places to leave, psychological support, financial aids and this is an essential aspect of our society that we want to contribute to as an enterprise. Enterprises are beginning to enter this social transition today creating CSR teams leading them toward social, environmental awareness and we follow this trend with our Pro Bono commitment. Today, our world is facing a huge social crisis and the inequality gap is becoming wider everyday and we believe that we can make a difference by starting to help associations. It is not only the role of governments to fight against this crisis but the enterprise’s one too as we are at the core of the society and contribute to create the world we live in today.
What do you offer to these associations?
We offer a complete and personal accompaniment of the associations; from the identification of the problem to the implementation of solutions as well as the impact assessment. For this, we provide them with a team of students with the right skills to answer their problem. Furthermore, Sciences Po benefits from a broad network of professional and academic experts who enable us to enrich our support. Finally, we are provided with free services as all the resources we employ for our missions are fully covered by the Junior enterprise of Sciences Po Paris (JCSP).
Can you tell us about your relationship with the Beese Project ?
When we first entered in contact with the Pro Bono Lab that introduced us to the BEESE Project we were super excited to take part in this wonderful journey. For us, boosting the employability of young people sensibilizing them to Pro Bono was the exact thing that we were trying to achieve with our Pro Bono fund as we were giving students of Sciences Po the opportunity to have a first professional experience discovering the social domain. We have been a partner of the project since and can’t wait to introduce Pro Bono commitment in more universities to create a huge network of passionate people around Europe.