Interview with Professor Miglena Angelova, from UNWE (Bulgaria)

This week we share the interview with Miglena Angelova, PhD. She is chief assistant of the Business Administration department of University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria). She teaches Change Management and Creative and Recreative Business Management.
Denitsa Gorchalova: How do you perceive the idea of pro bono activities to become part of the curriculum at UNWE? What are the pros and cons?
– real study cases with strong practical orientation – this could support students` motivation;
– the possibility of participation in new and different initiatives – this is very strong motivation for me as (not the same things each year, semester etc.);
– overall idea behind the initiative will bring more academic spirit, which personally I consider as even so important as the acquired at the university knowledge and skills
– may be not all courses are suitable for such type of work, but generally it depends on the lecturer’s opinion and approach.
Denitsa Gorchalova: Would you make pro bono activities a part of the final grade of the students and why?
Miglena Angelova: The programme design of the Creative and Recreative Business Management allows including such types of activities. At present, my initial opinion is that these activities could be successfully integrated in some of the lectures such as: Management of decision making process in creative environment; Management of creative teams; Methods for improvement effectiveness of organization in Creative and Recreative Sectors etc.
Denitsa Gorchalova: Would you make pro bono activities a part of the final grade of the students and why?
Miglena Angelova: Yes, I will. These practical cases allow in fact understanding the real thinking of students, their interpretation of the circumstances of the current situation, to assume the next steps and consequences. These skills are very helpful in future real working environment and therefore it is better if we could lay their basis at the university.
Denitsa Gorchalova: What are the problematic areas you envision if pro bono would become a part of the teaching?
Miglena Angelova: Bottlenecks (in my opinion) may arise in the process of selection of specific activities within the pro bono initiative. These activities have to be suitable to the course subject. Therefore the lecturer has to have the possibility and freedom to choose the proper activities within the pro bono initiative.