Interview with Martin Ossikovski, from UNWE

Martin Ossikovski is another associate professor of the Media and Communication Department interviewed by Denitsa Gorchalova. He teaches Academic Writing, English for Journalists and Sociologists and Media Ethics.
Denitsa Gorchalova: How do you perceive the idea of pro bono activities to become part of the curriculum at UNWE? What are the pros and cons?
Martin Ossikovski: Heavy pluses (in terms of basic 21-century social skills), no minuses whatsoever.
Denitsa Gorchalova: Would you make pro bono activities a part of the final grade of the students and why?
Martin Ossikovski: In my case, these should be some sort of pro-bono bridges between schools and universities, e.g. university students working with/for primary/secondary schools.
Denitsa Gorchalova: Would you make pro bono activities a part of the final grade of the students and why?
Martin Ossikovski: Yes – I think it’s a very strong marker of personal motivation/determination in terms of turning ideas into reality.
Denitsa Gorchalova: What are the problematic areas you envision if pro bono would become a part of the teaching?
Martin Ossikovski: Motivating the more indifferent ones might be a problem; also, stereotype management when working with vulnerable minorities.