Guide Book for pro bono at universities
As a part of the BEESE Project, we are working on how to facilitate the implementation of Pro Bono Programmes with students in Universities, which is part of the third Intellectual Output of this project. The first part of this Output is the creation of a Guide Book to facilitate European Universities to implement pro bono programs for their students.
Last February during our meeting in Paris we decided how this Guide Book should be divided in order to be user friendly. We came up with all the different chapters that the Guide Book should have and we started to work on that.

During this month of September, we are working on the curation of the content created after the Paris meeting by all partners of the project. The learning of this collaborative process will be huge and will end up with a guide that will help to spread the pro bono practice among European Universities.
This book will be also the basis for the Online Course that we will develop and the Training Activity that will be carried out next year. If you are interested in any of these contents, please stay tuned or drop us a line in any of our social media channels. Thanks!