Fourth transnational meeting of the BEESE Pro Bono Project in Paris
On February 27- 28, 2020, the fourth transnational meeting within the framework of Erasmus+ BEESE project, was held at Pro Bono Lab in Paris. We were very excited because we were about halfway through the project and we could share the progress made by the consortium members in each country.
The first day of the meeting was focused on where we are. Each partner presented the progress made in the implementation of the Intellectual Outputs (IO). Regarding the research on students’ motivations and needs to engage in pro bono service (IO1), the Autonomous University of Madrid presented how the study looks now and what next steps are. Very soon, the results of this IO will be available on our website. On the other hand, it was very interesting to share the lessons learned after the implementation of some of the Campus Pro Bono pilots (IO2) and how teams of university students and corporate volunteers have delivered successful pro bono consultancy services to nonprofits. For this purpose, we are using “Lean Startup” Methodology, so we can iterate the models to establish a common one for all European Universities. Another important issue we worked on was the business Model and sustainability of the pro bono programs once the BEESE Pro Bono Project is finished.

On the second day, the project members worked on the tools for Universities to implement pro bono programs for students (IO3). Specifically, the structure and content of the pro bono guides for universities that will be published on our website and available for all European Universities. The last important issue discussed during the meeting was the dissemination activity. The partners are strongly committed to give great visibility to the project through online and offline channels as well as dissemination events.
It is important to highlight that in this meeting actively participated a corporate volunteer of General Electric Hungary. She contributed with fresh ideas and an external and corporate vision which was very enriching for our project.
We also had time to do some sightseeing and enjoyed a ride on a Bateau Mouche on the Seine and had dinner with the team and Deni, from the UNWE gave as the Martenitsas to celebrate Baba Marta one year after Porto Meeting 🙂

You can see more pictures in this album.