Intellectual Outputs

IO1. In-depth understanding of students motivations to participate in Pro Bono Programmes in the University and recommendations in order to implement pro bono projects in Universities.


Social Values and Motivational Orientations as Predictors of Willingness to Engage in Pro Bono Action

Report on the research on motivations.

IO2. Definition and planification in order to facilitate the implementation of Pro Bono Programmes at Universities.

Bulgaria Pro Bono Pilots_1

Pro bono pilots in Bulgaria

Report on the three pro bono pilots done in Bulgaria.

France Pro Bono Pilots_1

Pro bono pilots in France

Report on the three pro bono pilots done in Bulgaria.

Hungary Pro Bono Pilots_1

Pro bono pilots in Hungary

Report on the three pro bono pilots done in Hungary.

Portugal Pro Bono Pilots_1

Pro bono pilots in Portugal

Report on the three pro bono pilots done in Portugal.

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Pro bono pilots in Spain

Report on the three pro bono pilots done in Spain.

IO3. Facilitation of the implementation of Pro Bono Programmes with students in Universities



English version.